A unique paradise
Blending the art of ancient health practices with the vitality of innovative holistic therapies,
The Palms Spa answers the timeless desire for wellness.

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Dear Mrs Umrigar, Thanks to your introducing me to your son Neville, my son Gaurav really benefited from The Matrix Rhythm Therapy he received at The Palms Spa. After just a few sessions his severe back pain simply vanished, hopefully never to return. It’s a beautiful Spa and beautifully run. Zahan Umrigar (CEO) is such a charming and capable young man and the Spa is in very good hands.
Best wishes,
Anita Devaya
Dear Neville, I would like to say a huge thank you to you for my experience with Matrix Therapy. I honestly was a bit sceptical about the results as my earlier experiences with massages haven’t been particularly pleasant. As you may have noticed when I came in to the Palm Spa I was almost bent over with lower back pain. This has been a chronic problem over the last ten years and I can’t really figure out what exactly sets it off. Your Spa offers a true Zen experience and the therapists you have are wonderful and my husband and I both look forward to visiting you when we are next in Bangalore. I have since read up on the Matrix Therapy and if it does half of what it promises well you are now the source of preventative medicine – something our world is in dire need of. Thank you for making this world a better place!.
Best wishes,
Anita Devaya
Dear Neville, I have suffered from a frozen shoulder for several years. While it doesn’t bother me most of the time, when it does flare up I am in constant pain and discomfort for weeks at a time. After years of trying several treatments,this time when the pain began, I decided to give Matrix a chance. After just a few sessions the pain subsided and so far it has not reoccurred. This was a blessing as in the past extensive physiotherapy has not been able to permanently solve the problem. I am so glad I got the opportunity to try it!!
Camellia Birdy
Dear Neville, I would like to share my experiences after having a series of Matrix Therapies at your spa in Bangalore. I have had so many complications with my body for many years and had to have various parts treated. I must state that your Therapists are trained wonderfully and are able to pinpoint cramped muscles and swellings in the body and they work around those so beautifully , being able to relieve pain instantly. Firstly, my severe headaches which I had frequently for years, have now disappeared after the Matrix sessions and I am able to ease off my medication after any years! Secondly my severe lower back pain has also eased considerably and I am able to walk freely now with almost no pain at all. The pain in my hips and legs too were agonising and after a few sessions they are so much better now and I have so much relief. I must say that after years of trying to find a remedy for all my problems, I finally found the Matrix and am so happy that I now can rely on this to help me with any aches and pains and that too, without medication!
Phirooza Rustumji
Dearest Neville, I am delighted to share my experience with matrix! It’s been such a blessing to me and really helps me manage and heal the pain I was struggling with for so many years! I come often for the therapy now and it helps me cope better with the everyday workload as well. Thank you for being such an angel to me. I have had chronic back pain history after an unfortunate accident in 1993. After 2 major surgery’s and much physio rehab I was able to walk again! Over the years I would have days where the pain would really slow me down and I was always searching for something to help me manage my pain and the challenges it posed in a better way. So when my darling Nanny and our beloved Karl suggested that I go in for the matrix I immediately reached out to you. And it’s made such a happy difference to my life. The pain that was shooting into my knee has stopped. It reduced by nearly 80 percent in the first sitting itself. Then by the third sitting I went dancing with my friends!!! Now I try and keep coming for my matrix therapy every month. Sometimes, twice. I love the Balinese massage that follows too. That and the detox therapy really are relaxing and rejuvenating and help me handle and ease all the stress and strain that our everyday lives pose. I can’t thank you enough!! There are quite a few of my friends who I’ve shared this experience with and all are planning to try it.
Dear Neville, In 2014, I was suffering from intense pain, discomfort and difficulty in walking and carrying out normal daily activities, as a result of an injury to my left knee because of a torn ligament and doctors had advised surgery for the same. At this time, I became aware of the MATRIX THERAPY which was available at the Palms Spa and its effectiveness in healing injuries without resorting to invasive surgical procedures. On the advice of the Therapist who was attending to my problem, I undertook 2 sittings each week for a total of 4 weeks at the Palms Spa with the Matrix Therapy. After the 8th sitting, the pain and discomfort had practically vanished and I was able to once again walk and carry out daily activities comfortably. I was thereafter advised to take a leg massage once a week for month and this therapy aided the healing process. Today I am pleased to say that I am able to carry out all normal physical activities such as weight training, lower body exercises and am able to comfortably complete 45 minutes of cardio activity with ease and comfort thanks to the Matrix Therapy. I would honestly recommend the application of Matrix Therapy for injuries similar to the ones which I had suffered. Thank you very much to you and the Spa Therapist concerned.
Warm Regards
Dr. Cawsi H. Naterwalla
The matrix treatment has been very successful in helping me with stomach problems which I have had for years. It is not only great as a treatment but also a very relaxing massage. It is something that I hope all would try. It is also a nice way to relax, and know that it is doing wonders for your body.
Lisa Jeejeebhoy
I had a superb experience at the Palm Spa.Not only i got relief from my volcanic migraines but i felt so good with the positive vibes that i got from Neville Umrigar and his staff. Neville Umrigar was so concerned and was always present at the time of my appointment and helped me in all ways.I totally love that place and warmth of the people present there . Can’t wait to have a luxurious spa treat again.
Farina Jehzeel Master